What journaling has taught me.

Diego Longoria
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


As I am winding down for the night, I find that last window of time before bed to be a perfect time to ponder the day.

Writing has allowed me to put it all away on paper as I run the tapes of the day.

I usually start this process by asking myself a few questions about that day.

What happened ? who did I meet? what went well? what did not? what did I learn and were their any relevant insights to be gained?

I mentally go through my day from start to finish.

I usually tend to write up to 3 pages in a paperbound journal almost every night; that tends to be enough space for me to tell the story of each part of the day.

  • Journaling has taught me to be more adept to living in the present.
  • Writing has allowed me to stretch my consciousness by pouring out the thoughts in my mind and allowing new ones to form.
  • By reflection, I come to realize a couple of things I might have missed if I had not written about it.
  • Writing has revealed my own life passions. It has aided me in the process of self-discovery and self-expression.
  • Journaling has been a great way to rid myself of extraneous thoughts that have been ruminating in my mind and subconscious all day.
  • I have experienced improved clarity of thought and gained an added sense of peace of mind.
  • I also engage my short-term memory frequently and process all the new experiences of that day.

I have found that I am better able to depict a representation of new ideas that I weave into the daily stories of my life

When I write, I get to reflect on how I felt and how I overcame any obstacles that might have attempted to throw me off balance.

I get to recall things presently going on in my life and tell of daily happenings. A day is after all (as they say), a piece of the mosaic of your life.

Words can be the missing half that coalesces the story of our lives that pictures fail to tell.

Lastly, writing has allowed me to have the experience of cultivating self-expression in some meaningful way each day.

You can make a right tweak in your life, the day you decide to pick up the pen and write.

